I love free shit. I'm a sample grabber and a huge fan of health/career fairs. If it's $0 and I'm not there, it's probably not really $0. But I will be at Still Wavy 375, a free concert headlined by a Grammy nominated, Prince-honoring, Espy-performing singer; in other words, a BFD for the Hartbeat.
We don't do things like this here. I've been a resident of Hartford for years and sang alto for the There's-Nothing-To-Do-In-Hartford Chorus from the ages of 12 til about 22. And finally, in recent years, I've seen people doing something to change that. I have friends who put on great parties, start up phenomenal programs for children and are making big moves in the ways of fresh things to do in the city. The TNTDIH Chorus is thankfully losing members.
Since I found out about this concert, I've been asking a ton of questions to all involved, so I'm going to answer some frequently asked questions that I've gotten:
How can the City of Hartford afford this?
It's actually not only the City that is putting this on. The Hartford Party Starters Union teamed up with the Wadsworth Atheneum to put this on, and the City threw down some money for the shindig as well. It's kind of like Hartford's bffs wanted to throw it a big birthday party and it was like, "Oh thanks guys, that's so special! Why don't I pay for the cups and plates though? I'd feel bad not doing anything!"
Why is it starting at 5:00 on a Friday?
Why not? Sure, it could be an all day thing like Jazzmania 2010 that just happened last week, but it's like I said before: Hartford doesn't do things like this. You've gotta kick it off somehow and if they're bringing in major artists free to you, why not do it differently? I'm pretty excited to have something to do on a Friday night that's different from my normal routine (taking a nap after work and waking up with a severe case of drag-ass).
What are the other artists like?
The songs that I've familiarized myself with tell me that this is going to be a high energy show. The style is music that you wouldn't typically hear on the radio, but until very recently, Janelle Monáe is someone you wouldn't hear on there either. I like to know what I'm getting into before I go to a show with musicians I've never seen or heard of, so I checked them all out. If you've got a finicky ear I suggest you do the same, but honestly I don't think any of these performers will disappoint.
Can I bring my kids?
Hells yeah! As long as they don't mind people saying "hells yeah" because I plan to shout that a lot.
What does "still wavy" mean?
It boggles my mind that you don't know what wavy means. Where'd you grow up, under a rock? You're so frodunk for that! No sir, I dunno what it means.
Other than that, you need to just get yourself out here and see the show. A lot of work is going into making sure this goes off without a hitch. Not only that, but just showing up says you are in favor of future things like this happening in Hartford. You'll be wishing a happy birthday to the home of so much of this country's history. More importantly, someone brown is coming to Hartford for free and that's awesome! You know how we're usually treated like children who aren't allowed to congregate? Not this time buddy boy! Congregate your ass off! Then support some local Hartford restaurants by having a drink and a nosh after the show. Go to the Wadsworth on Saturday and thank them for the good time, and have a look around. When's the last time you've been to the Wadsworth? Remember that lady in the lawn chair with the sunburned skin that freaked you the hell out as a kid? Go back now! I swear she's not as scary!
The thing of it is, the reason there was nothing to do in Hartford is because no one was doing anything in Hartford. The time is now. So let's all go be brown in public and listen to some good music. Ok? Ok.
Showtime: 5pm
Artists: Janelle Monáe, Holy Ghost!, Tobacco, Maluca, Cubic Zirconia & DJ Rizzla
Dress code: Come comfy
Food & Drinks: vendors will be parked on Trinity Street (by the Memorial Arch)
Cover charge: Free!
All ages
Address: Bushnell Park Pavillion, Downtown Hartford
Bonus: Check out the registration on the Still Wavy website. It's still free, but you'll be entered to win prizes and more. I already did it because I love free stuff.
Awesome, informative pro-Hofo post. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI'm caucasian and I've seen Janelle in NYC once. I wouldn't miss this for anything. Get ready to be blown away. All colors are invited.
ReplyDeleteOf course all colors are invited, I believe the blogger mentions this site will promote events that are inclusive in her intro.. I doubt black people will get there & say "OMG how did these white people find out" LOL. We live in CT we are used you :)
ReplyDeleteIf I create a blog titled "Stuff for White People to Do" would I be labeled a racist? You bet I would!
ReplyDelete'Inclusive'??? Read the title of her blog. Then read her summary paragraph thingy...
ReplyDeleteKnow something that Black People are doing, should be doing or will be doing in Hartford? Email me at rubyphoenix54@gmail.com and I'll check it out!
'Inclusive' alright.
Whatever - Janelle is pretty all encompassing. Don't really need this blog to tell me that. I was just checking out all the blogs that have mentioned her show (and I found this through the silly named HPSU...
Well "Anonymous", if that is your real name, feel free to start "Stuff for White People to Do". It looks like the domain name is available. Sort of reminds me of the non-racist and very funny (white-fronted, I might add) website "Stuff White People Like" (I'll also add that "Being Offended is on that list, simply for the laugh.) I'm sure you'll also notice that sushi, coffee and Facebook are on there: three of my favorite things in the world. Look at that; white people like something I like! Can you imagine?
ReplyDeleteMaybe you'd like to go on pretending that you don't notice what color other people are, and maybe you don't, who knows, I don't know you (or do I? ...Mom?) But trust me when I say that most people of color that I know sing a quick verse of "One of These Things Is Not Like the Other" to themselves when they walk in an art gallery and they're the only person of color there. The same as one would if everyone was 6 feet tall and you're only 5', or everyone else is wearing a hat and you're not. So why not have something that shines a light on the positive things that people of color are doing in the Greater Hartford area? If it's not downtown, I don't see anything written about it, and that's a shame.
If you're concerned about white people being left out, consider this: When someone gets tired of their life looking like an Abercrombie & Fitch catalog and desires a splash of color, they can look to this blog and find out where to find it. I would love for you to come out to Vibz Uptown. Come see what all sides of Hartford have to offer. But If you're quoting me, quote me properly:
Of course, people of any color are welcome to go to the places I review. I would never knowingly recommend a place that would discriminate against anyone. I'm focusing on POC-owned & frequented events because as often as I see critiques of new places in Hartford, I see little about actual events that POC go to and even less written by us. The name is just pretty clever, don't ya think?
Of course I'm referring to white people being discriminated against as well. Nowhere in this blog have I said, "No whites allowed" or even implied it. Janelle is all encompassing, as am I. And this is a great event that people of all colors will come together and enjoy as one. But unfortunately, people will leave with the whites going to Pigs Eye Pub and the Latinos going to La Casona and unintentionally segregate themselves once again. And while that sucks, there are a ton of party promoters, business owners and the like of other races that are not being highlighted by places like the Hartford Courant, Hartford Advocate and even other Hartford blogs, for whatever reason. So finally, this little blog that no one even reads yet will give them the recognition they deserve.
Oh I guess we should take Essence,Ebony,Black Entrepreneur & BET away huh? Clearly there is enough media that is all inclusive that we don't need these things. IN fact lets do away with Black History Month..I mean there is no white history month right?
ReplyDeleteOf course there's a white history month. It goes by the tricky name of January, February, March... you get the idea.
ReplyDeleteI am not the previous anonymous!
ReplyDeleteNice blog. I am not too familiar with the artist but I do look forward to this event. Hartford needs to do more of these events that celebrate the diversity of our cultures and communities. See at the concert.
Hey rubyphoenix,
ReplyDeleteThank you for informing all of us about what there is to do in the City, but I have a concern, I'm a bi-racial woman and therefore feel excluded from all things Black or White. Since you are one human being, I feel that it is completely appropriate to hold you accountable for not listing things that bi-racials do in Hartford. AND, since I'm lazy and just spouting off at the mouth, I'm not even going to bother to do a 20 second internet search to see if theree's already a list.
Nope, I'm just going to blast you here and then sit back in my ignorant place oblivious to what an ass I just made of myself. I think I'll use anonymous instead of my name.
Great blog! I love watching overly sensitive people freak out about the title. You explained yourself well, Tiana-- they just aren't ever going to get it unless they get to be put in one of the situations you have described (one of these things is not like the other).