Friday, June 28, 2013

Free Movies After Dark are Back! So Am I!

It was nearly a year ago that I last posted. And I make my return with a post that is eerily similar to last year's. The City of Hartford is yet again doing Free Movies in the Park and I'll apologize in advance: As you can see from the schedule, they're already well underway.

After launching TBPDIH in 2010, I received a ton of feedback, gained a lot of readers both casually and through search engines. After two years, I felt like my job was done. I wasn't going out nearly as much as I used to and since Facebook is King of the World, I figured we were all in the know now. But I've heard the "there's nothing to do in Hartford" whispers. When I heard them in 2010-2012, I easily combated them by handing out my card and instructing the person to educate themselves on this site. But last year especially was lean. And it's hard to say that there's a ton of things going on and when asked what specifically, I respond, "Um...I dunno since I'm probably just going to be hanging out in my backyard tonight."

A few weeks ago, the list of Free Movies was put up on Facebook and was quickly passed around. I saw a couple people on my timeline who balked at the fact that there were no movies starring main characters of color. I'm not here to get into a debate about whether that's important or not so save your comments. I know how it seems weird to them that though most of these movies are playing in parks that serve communities of color, "Coming to America" or other classics aren't on any of the screens. But protesting didn't occur to me because I voted. 

Back in the wintertime, when we couldn't even fathom sitting outdoors to watch a movie, the Marketing, Events and Cultural Affairs office for the City posted a poll of what should be shown. Or maybe it was I can't remember. Either way, I nominated a couple. Then when they put finalists up for a vote, I voted on them. I vaguely remember trying to suggest some "black" movies off the top of my head, but I also couldn't remember many. And I didn't ask for help because in my naivety, I didn't think anyone would care. If they would, they would be voting.

So when I watched my friends complain in mild ire about the final list, I first thought, "well, don't complain; you should've voted!" Then I many of my friends knew they could vote? How many know these pages exist? How many even know that is different than and that they are involved in bucketloads of fun stuff and really do care about the residents in the city they serve, not just the visitors? MECA and I have 30 mutual friends, and I have 31. Of those 30-ish people, only about 5 were a surprise to me, meaning they're not bloggers, they don't work with these groups in a professional capacity or aren't obsessed with all things Hartford like I am.

This blog and its page on Facebook are supposed to be telling you about things like MECA,, remind you about The Wadsworth and The Bushnell, the parks, the parades, the nooks and crannies of the city that you may not know about or just forgot about. I'm supposed to remind you, as the saying goes, that Hartford Has It. So when someone's asking for suggestions on how to make you come out (and as always, this is "you" everyone. Not just POC) I should be relaying that message.

The reason that this blog was started, as I always say, is because I felt that there were people being missed when it came time to advertise. For example, I'm not West Indian. I have no idea when the West Indian Parade is this year. I usually don't know until steel drums are waking me up the morning of. Everyone is welcome to go, but for people like me with a busy schedule it's nice to know when things are happening so I can plan on going, not just hope I'm free. When this blog was really cookin', I had so many people say, "I had no idea that XXX happened at YYY for the last three years! How would I have found out about that before?" The answer is typically know the right people. Whether it's eating good Puerto Rican food or taking a yoga class. Somehow we're not all finding out the right information.

Obviously I can't do this blog forever, but please still check in because for as long as I can, I will. Also read Real Hartford: an extremely good blog that posts an in depth schedule of events happening in Hartford all over Hartford. (July's list just posted yesterday!) Like the Things Black People Do In Hartford FB page. Like's FB page and check their website often. Like MECA's FB page too! If you go to a local bar or club and you like it, find them on the internet. If in doubt, e-mail me and I'll see what I can do.