Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Holla Back Hartford: National Poetry Month is Alive in Hartford!

Sorry for the last minute notice, but I had to let you in on a little something I was just clued in on (damn Facebook fast keeping me out of the loop!). This month The Center Without Walls and Billings Forge will bring you 4 nights of poetry and spoken word featuring 4 talented women. Unfortunately, I've had a glass of wine and I've been up since 4:30am, so I'm too tired to totally spill like I normally do. But I must say that I know Sarahi Yahaira, Mind.Evolution and NuNuu and their poems are not to be missed. Sarahi, emotionally open through her words, will take you on a journey through her life from childhood to now with love, laughter and tears. Mind.Evolution will uplift and inspire with her words that showcase her fierce determination. NuNuu will captivate you with her versatility, giving an energy and personality that changes from piece to piece. And I've never seen Tahani Salah perform in person, but her videos on youtube tell me that her words speak for people who often go unnoticed or forgotten, reminding us all to pay attention.

Now that I've kept it as short and sweet as I am reasonably capable of, I will tell you that this poetry series will take place at 7:30 on each Thursday during the month of April at the Studio at Billings Forge and it's free! Now you get out there and enjoy some poetry, dammit. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that. Wine makes "dammit" my favorite word.

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