Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Syllable: A Reading Series

Looking for something to do on a school night? Follow me, kid, I'll show you around. If you're in the mood to be entertained tonight, Syllable: A Reading Series will be taking place at La Paloma. The night will get started at 7pm and the theme of the evening will be "Luck". I'll be reading my own piece tonight. Sorry for the short notice, but better late than never, as my mom would say. (I know other people say it, but my mom is ALWAYS obscenely late. I feel she has a master's degree in the phrase.)

Syllable is a monthly themed reading series for writers to showcase their work. This goes for all kinds of writers. The unintended theme for tonight is non-fiction, though many other types are welcome such as works of fiction and short story, poetry, scripts, essays, songs...really anything you can create and read in 10 minutes or less. I had the opportunity to speak with Julia Pistell, the founder of Syllable, and she tries to leave the idea of work that is submitted open-ended. She reviews the submissions beforehand in order to facilitate the flow of the evening and the variety of submissions, so it's not a completely "open-mic." But from what I understand, people's work varies from month to month. I'm interested in seeing what people will write when given only a one word idea. Did I mention that I'm a Syllable virgin myself?

If you're shaking your fist at me because I didn't tell you about this in enough time, I apologize, seriously. That was my bad. But there are already dates and themes posted for the next two months: April 18th's theme is Light and May 16th's theme is Labor. Get your creative juices flowing and submit something for next month! Hope to see you out tonight!

Syllable: A Reading Series
Upcoming Events:

2/15: Love

3/21: Luck

4/18: Light

5/16: Labor

7:00-8:30 PM

La Paloma Sabanera, Hartford

$5 Suggested Donation

Email your submissions to


  1. That piece you read? That rocked. If you are ever like "what should I blog about that's not really something to do, but still cool?" here's what: record audio of you reading the item about luck and then post it here.

  2. Thanks! *blushes* I've been a little nervous about reading in public again, but I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it!
