I come to you on my lunch break to spread the word about an awesome cause. Tomorrow, La Paloma Sabanera will be hosting a tag sale in which all the proceeds go to Foodshare and benefit the No Kid Hungry summer food program.
If you're unfamiliar with La Paloma, you should really get acquainted with this place. It's the little coffeeshop that you always complain that we don't have in Hartford. It's the perfect place to relax with a book and a sandwich and I've spent a lot of time clacking away at my laptop in those walls. It's cozy, casual and beyond that they do SO much for the community, including film screenings, performances and fundraisers, as we can see here.
Yesterday I was talking about food deserts, which is the unavailability of adequate food in poor communities. But sometimes we forget that we have people going without enough food in general everyday. The sad truth is that the free lunch provided through schools may be the only complete meal some children eat all day. When the school year ends, these families have few options for feeding everyone a nutritious and filling meal each day. Scenarios like this are one of the reasons that the Connecticut No Kid Hungry Campaign was started. This summer program will provide free lunch to children in areas all over the state, including many in Hartford.
So if you're looking for some new cool do-dads and nicknacks, or just want to stop by and make a donation to a great cause, come by La Paloma tomorrow from 10am on. Afterwards, give yourself a little treat of a cup of coffee, or maybe we'll all luck up and they'll be selling cupcakes from Icing Cupcakes tomorrow!
Here's some details about all the stuff I just said:
La Paloma Sabanera Coffee House
405 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT
Phone: (860) 956-5003
Website: http://www.lapalomacoffeehouse.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lapalomasabanera
Hours: Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm, Sat: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
For more information or a list of locations that are participating in the No Kid Hungry summer program, please check out http://www.ctsummerfood.org/
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