Ladies and Gentlemen, I have returned. I know what you're thinking. "Where the frank and beans have you been?" You said "frank and beans" cuz it's pretty early, the kids are still up and you don't want them to know that you curse. They know you curse though. They think it's funny. But I digress.
Honestly, I don't know where the frank and beans I've been. Still in Hartford. Still black. Still doing stuff. But the winter was cold and snowy, then the spring came in like the meek lamb it was and I had to move to a new house, see my girlfriend
off to Hanoi, Vietnam and get over the sadness that is being without her. It's ok to point and laugh at me about my lameness. But I'm back and ready to get back to business for serious. It's going to be a good summer!
Let's get reacquainted over one of my favorite subjects: food. But not just any food, my friends. This time I'm not telling you about insanely delicious yet entirely artery clogging foods I've happened upon in my fair city, but healthy, equally delicious, locally grown fare! The North End Farmers' Market starts tomorrow!
My timing is poor, because it's gonna look like I'm telling you about the North End Farmers' Market because a lot of black people live in the North End and then I'm gonna get a bunch of comments about me being racist and how everyone is welcome at every Farmers' Market and yadda yadda yadda. But honestly, I've been meaning to make a Farmers' Market post for quite some time. I just got word through
Real Hartford (another awesome blog) that this one was starting and as a new resident of the North End, this piqued my interest. Mainly because I didn't know it existed. Old State House, WEFM and I are bffs. This one, not so much.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the concept of a "food desert", but it's defined as any area that does not have easy access to healthy and affordable food. This is most heavily seen in poor neighborhoods where the closest thing residents have to a grocer is the corner store that sells more "quarter waters" than they do quarts of OJ. While Hartford isn't as bad as a lot of poor urban areas in the food desert category, Farmers' Markets are amazing at offering fresh and affordable produce to areas where the residents would have a harder time getting it. So if you know someone who possibly lives in walking distance to any of these locations, please pass the word along.
This past weekend, I met up with some friends who live in NYC. While waiting to meet them in Union Square, I happened upon a great market day that they were having. Off to the side, I saw a little booth for people to pay for their products with EBT cards and thought, "What an awesome idea! This is REALLY opening the doors for all classes of Americans to have access to healthy food. I wish we had this in Hartford!" Turns out that a few do and I just never noticed it. All locations accept WIC and Senior FMNP as well.
I encourage you and your peoples to try out ALL of Hartford's Farmers' Markets. Here's the info for all of them, including days of the week that they're open, times, and if they're not open yet, when the big day will be.
Hartford ‐ Billings Forge Farmers’ MarketThursdays 11 a.m. ‐ 2 p.m.
May 5 ‐ October 27
539 Broad Street, Grassy Courtyard on
Billings Forge Campus
WIC/Senior FMNP Accepted SNAP/EBT
Hartford ‐ Capitol Ave Farmers’ MarketMondays 10 a.m. ‐ 1 p.m.
July 11 ‐ October 31
First Presbyterian Church Next to Bushnell, 156 Capitol
WIC/Senior FMNP Accepted SNAP/EBT
Hartford ‐ North End Farmers’ MarketWednesdays 10 a.m. ‐ 1 p.m.
June 29 ‐ October 26
80 Coventry Street, North End Senior Center
WIC/Senior FMNP Accepted SNAP/EBT
Hartford ‐ Park Street Farmers’ MarketMondays 9:30 a.m. ‐ 1 p.m.
July 11 ‐ October 31
Walgreen's Parking Lot,
Corner of Park and Washington Streets
WIC/Senior FMNP Accepted
Hartford ‐ West End Farmers’ MarketTuesdays & Fridays 4 p.m. ‐ 7 p.m.,
3 p.m. ‐ 6 p.m. (Sept‐Oct)
June 7 ‐ October 28
United Methodist Church ‐ 571 Farmington Avenue @
South Whitney Street
WIC/Senior FMNP Accepted
Hartford‐Old State House Farmers’ MarketMonday, Wednesday, Friday 10 a.m. ‐ 2 p.m.
June 27 ‐ October 28
Old State House, 800 Main Street
WIC/Senior FMNP Accepted
(see more info on all of the State of Connecticut's Certified Farmers' Markets here: http://www.ct.gov/doag/lib/doag/marketing_files/certified_fm_by_county_-_5-3-2011.pdf)