Monday, June 28, 2010

Introductions Are In Order

Hello and welcome to my new venture: Things Black People Do In Hartford! I'm not sure if you noticed in the poorly Photoshopped picture above, but I am black, I'm from Hartford, and I love to go out! I was talking with my girlfriend today and somehow, through some convoluted stream of thought, I decided to make a page dedicated to highlighting the places in Hartford that people of color tend to enjoy.

I thought it would be a good idea to have a central location to focus on interesting things going on in our city. As much as I've enjoyed myself at bars and clubs on Allyn Street and Tisane is one of my favorite spots to chill with my friends, I can't help but wonder what else is out there that is geared toward my fellow people of color. Have you ever wanted to try somewhere new, or have a friend visiting and want to show them something fun? You call your crew and they give you the run around and can't decide if they want to go. "Who else is gonna be there?" "You ever been there before?" "What's the dress code?" By 10pm when you're ready to hit the road, you're back at the same club you go to every week! I can't really help with who else will be there and make your friends stop dragging ass, but I can let you know what it will be like when they decide.

I plan to be informative: If it was fun, I'll tell you exactly why. If it wasn't my cup of tea, I'll also let you know because maybe that's something that appeals to you. I'm not getting paid to tell you about these places but because Hartford is pretty small, I may end up knowing some of the people who put on these parties.

Of course, people of any color are welcome to go to the places I review. I would never knowingly recommend a place that would discriminate against anyone. I'm focusing on POC-owned & frequented events because as often as I see critiques of new places in Hartford, I see little about actual events that POC go to and even less written by us. The name is just pretty clever, don't ya think?

I'm figuring out the rest as I go, so bear with me and keep checking in! Don't forget to tell your friends!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! I am so glad someone is doing the research. I hate when people say "There is nothing to do around here!" Ugh. Now I can refer them to your list. Fab.
