My boss just called me and confirmed that I have a snow day! It's exciting! I feel like a kid again!
Hopefully you all have been as lucky as I, and if you haven't, please please PLEASE be careful out there tomorrow!
Here's some things you need to keep in mind:
1. The City-Wide Parking ban is in effect starting at 1am, so move your cars off the street! If you don't have a driveway, you can park overnight in the nearest public school lot. Huge fines, and from my own experience, they're not very flexible on letting you out of them!
2. Garbage pick up is delayed a day, so if your normal day is on Wednesday, it'll be picked up on Thursday. etc. etc. you get it.
3. The plan of action for plows is:
-major roadways
-side streets leading to hospitals
-other side streets
So if they don't come by right away, they work well into the night, so they'll get there.
Enjoy your cocoa and have fun in the snow, Hartford!